About Us

We believe healthcare should be accessible

From ingrown toenails to foot pain, we’ve developed treatments and procedures using state of the art technology and tools, resulting in a unique patient centred treatments. See our treatments.


Sarang HealthCare

Sarang healthcare is a multi-specialty clinic that aims to provide comprehensive care to our patients. We have an outstanding team of providers at your services in various specialties and subspecialties. 

Why Choose Us?

Sarang Healthcare delivers excellence in healthcare services such as patient care, highly skilled clinical services as well as certified and well-known doctors, and effective management of laboratory services provided by a qualified technician under the supervision of a pathologist. We strive to create a welcoming environment in our clinic and to give our patients the best services possible.

Sarang also delivers advanced equipment in the laboratory and clinical fields. Possessing the newest technology demonstrates the accuracy of patients’ results and the outcome of the result, making us the best in our services.

For our patient, the offerings at Sarang are reasonably priced. Considering the locality and the need for testing and treatment, we strive to give our customers reasonable service costs. The working mechanism of Sarang Healthcare has its unique mechanism. Considering the rush of today’s world and the growth of technology, Sarang Healthcare keeps a record of each patient as well as prior records of patient medical history in order to maintain a suitable record file when the patient comes in for a consultation. Alongside the record we at Sarang also care to make a follow up reminder to our patient. Understanding the various requirements for our patient we take our patient feedback notes both positive and negative and proceed further to develop our clinic as per requirements. At the end the question is why not to choose us.


Culture Matters

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Nulla cursus justo eget erat facilisis facilisis. Ut rhoncus odio tellus, ac faucibus enim scelerisque a. Pellentesque et massa vitae enim tincidunt scelerisque. Sed nec elementum diam.


Message from Chairman

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum nulla quam, porta et magna ut, euismod tempus massa.

Nulla condimentum enim in eros blandit, ac molestie justo facilisis. Nullam non ligula at ligula volutpat venenatis a a metus. Suspendisse sapien metus, vehicula ut erat a, blandit gravida turpis. Pellentesque ac felis ut ipsum molestie faucibus. Proin nec molestie dolor, et lobortis justo. Pellentesque dignissim id sapien in luctus. 

Nulla cursus justo eget erat facilisis facilisis. Ut rhoncus odio tellus, ac faucibus enim scelerisque a. Pellentesque et massa vitae enim tincidunt scelerisque. Sed nec elementum diam.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Prakash Poudel
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